1. Chunhui Zheng, Jia Zhang*. (2023). Inspiring guests’ imagination of “home away from home” to choose Airbnb through brand storytelling. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management. , 35(6), 2136-2156. (SSCI, Q1)
2. Chunhui Zheng, Zengxiang Chen*, Yuling Zhang & Yongrui Guo. (2022). Does vivid imagination deter visitation? The role of mental imagery processing in virtual tourism on tourists’ behavior. Journal of Travel Research, 61(7), 1528-1541. (SSCI, Q1)
3. Chunhui Zheng*, Jie Zhang, Mengyuan Qiu, et al. (2019): From mixed emotional experience to spiritual meaning: learning in dark tourism places, Tourism Geographies, 22(1), 105–126. (SSCI, Q1)
4. Chunhui Zheng*, Jie Zhang, Yongrui Guo, et al. (2019). Disruption and reestablishment of place attachment after large-scale disasters: The role of perceived risk, negative emotions, and coping. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 40,101273. (SSCI, Q1)
5. Chunhui Zheng, Jie Zhang, Lili Qian, Jurowski, C., et al. (2018). The inner struggle of visiting 'dark tourism' sites: examining the relationship between perceived constraints and motivations. Current Issues In Tourism, 21(15), 1710-1727. (SSCI, Q1)
6. Chunhui Zheng, Jie Zhang, Honglei Zhang*, et al. (2017). Exploring sub-dimensions of intrapersonal constraints to visiting “dark tourism” sites: A comparison of participants and non-participants. Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research, 22(1): 21-33. (SSCI, Q2)
7. Xiaoli Yi, Xiaoxiao Fu, Kevin Kam Fung So, Chunhui Zheng* (corresponding author). (2021). Perceived Authenticity and Place Attachment: New Findings from Chinese World Heritage Sites. Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research, doi.org/10.1177/10963480211027629. (SSCI, Q1)
8. Lili Qian, Chunhui Zheng* (corresponding author), Jinwei Wang, María de los Ángeles Pérez Sánchez, Eduardo Parra López and Hanliang Li. (2021). Dark tourism destinations: the relationships between tourists’ on-site experience, destination image and behavioural intention. Tourism Review, doi: 10.1108/TR-08-2020-0360. (SSCI, Q1)
9. Mengyuan Qiu*, Jie Zhang, Honglei Zhang & Chunhui Zheng. (2018). Is looking always more important than listening in tourist experience?, Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing, (1):1-13. (SSCI, Q1)
10. Jinde Jiang, Jie Zhang*, Chunhui Zheng, et al. (2018). Natural soundscapes in nature-based tourism: leisure participation and perceived constraints, Current Issues in Tourism, DOI: 10.1080/13683500.2018.1540559. (SSCI, Q1)
11. Honglei Zhang*, Yang, Yang, Chunhui Zheng, & Jie Zhang. (2016). Too dark to revisit? The role of past experiences and intrapersonal constraints. Tourism Management, 54: 452-464. (SSCI, Q1)
12. Mengyuan Qiu, Jie Zhang* & Chunhui Zheng. (2018). Exploring tourists’ soundscape emotion and its impact on sustainable tourism development, Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research, (6):1-18. (SSCI, Q2)
13. Lili Qian, Chunhui Zheng* (corresponding author), Qin Lai, Juncheng Guo. (2021). A County Town in Ruins: Memories, Emotions, and Sense of Place in Post-Earthquake Beichuan, China. Sustainability. 13(20):11258. https://doi.org/10.3390/su132011258.(SSCI, Q2)
14. Chunhui Zheng, Jie Zhang, Lili Qian*, Yuling Zhang. (2022). Risk, Obligation, and Public Noncompliance with Mobility Directives in China during the COVID-19 Pandemic. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 19(18):11505. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph191811505(SSCI)
15. Lili Qian, Juncheng, Guo, Lianping. Ren, Hanqin Qiu. & Chunhui Zheng. (2024). Consuming communist heritage in China: user-generated image of red tourism via photographs, Tourism Review, https://doi.org/10.1108/TR-11-2023-0766
16. Yongrui Guo, Jie Zhang, Yuling Zhang, Chunhui Zheng. (2018). Examining the relationship between social capital and community residents' perceived resilience in tourism destinations. Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 26(6): 973-986. (SSCI, Q1)
17. Yuling Zhang, Xiao Xiao, Chunhui Zheng, Lan Xue, Yongrui Guo & Qitao Wu. (2019). Is tourism participation in protected areas the best livelihood strategy from the perspective of community development and environmental protection?, Journal of Sustainable Tourism, DOI:10.1080/09669582.2019.1691566 (SSCI, Q1)
18. Lili Qian, Juncheng Guo, Hanqin Qiu, Chunhui Zheng, Lianping Ren.(2023).Exploring destination image of dark tourism via analyzing user generated photos: A deep learning approach Tourism Management Perspectives, 48,101147.https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tmp.2023.101147. (SSCI, Q1)
19. Jing Han, Wenhui Wang, Chunhui Zheng & Jie Zhang. (2017). Host perceptions of music festival impacts: time and space matter?, Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research, 22(1):1156-1168. (SSCI, Q1)
20. Lili Qian, Jie Zhang, Honglei Zhang, Chunhui Zheng. (2017). Hit close to home: the moderating effects of past experiences on tourists’ on-site experiences and behavioral intention in post-earthquake site, Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research, 22(9): 936-950. (SSCI, Q1)
21. Yongrui Guo, Jie Zhang, Yuling Zhang*, Chunhui Zheng. (2018). Catalyst or barrier? The influence of place attachment on perceived community resilience in tourism destinations. Sustainability, 20, 2347. (SSCI, Q2)
22. Yuling Zhang, Xiao, Xiao, Ruibing Cao*, Chunhui Zheng, et al. (2020). How important is community participation to eco-environmental conservation in protected areas? From the perspective of predicting locals' pro-environmental behaviours, Science of the Total Environment, doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.139889. (SSCI, Q1)
23. 郑春晖,张佳*,朱佳乐.穿越时空的“对话”——文化遗产数字化展示中的想象激发与实地旅游意愿.旅游学刊,2024,39(10):127-140. (CSSCI)
24. 易小力,敬露瑶,郑春晖*.感知原真性对游客情感形成的影响机制研究——以开平碉楼为例.旅游科学,2024,38(07):97-118. (CSSCI)
25. 钱莉莉,郑春晖*,王金伟,等.红色旅游体验、集体记忆、国家认同形成机制研究——基于网络UGC数据分析.旅游科学,2024,38(05):80-95. (CSSCI)
26. 郑春晖, 温云波*, 王祎. 虚实融合旅游空间的人地互动与想象建构——以故宫深圳数字体验展为例.旅游科学, 2024,38(01):57-74. (CSSCI)
27. 郑春晖, 王祎, 钱莉莉*. 媒体话语下纪念性恐惧景观神圣性地理想象建构过程研究——以侵华日军南京大屠杀遇难同胞纪念馆为例. 热带地理, 2023, 43(8): 1563-1574. (CSCD)
28. 郑春晖,张佳. 基于集体主义视角的突发公共卫生事件旅游者动态决策机制研究. 海南大学学报(人文社会科学版), 2024,42(04):171-181. (CSSCI)
29. 郑春晖, 张佳*,温淑盈. 虚与实:虚拟旅游中的“人-地”情感依恋与实地旅游意愿. 旅游学刊,2022, 37(4): 104-115. (CSSCI 高被引)
30. 张佳, 郑春晖, 郑泽敏.基于主客互动与风险感知的在线短租消费者聚类研究——以爱彼迎为例.旅游论坛, 2021,14(02):74-84.(AMI)
31. 王金伟, 陈胜容, 郑春晖,等.黑色旅游学术研究的国际化与本土化——“黑色旅游研究青年学者对话”实录.旅游论坛, 2021,14(01):10-26.(AMI)
32. 郑春晖, 张捷, 钱莉莉, 张宏磊, & 年四锋. 黑色旅游者行为意向差异研究——以侵华日军南京大屠杀遇难同胞纪念馆为例. 资源科学, 2016, (09): 1663-1671. (CSSCI)
33. 易小力, 蓝天一, 郑春晖*. 推拉动机对存在原真性和忠诚度的影响实证研究——以福建土楼为例. 人文地理, 2019,34(02):143-151. (CSSCI)
34. 王金伟, 杨佳旭, 郑春晖*, 等. 黑色旅游地游客动机对目的地形象的影响研究——以北川地震遗址区为例. 旅游学刊,2019, 34(9): 114-126.(CSSCI)
35. 钱莉莉, 张捷, 郑春晖, 张宏磊, 郭永锐. 灾难地居民集体记忆、地方认同、地方保护意愿关系研究——以汶川地震北川老县城为例.地理研究,2019,38(04):988-1002. (CSSCI)
36. 钱莉莉, 张捷, 郑春晖, 张宏磊, 郭永锐, 颜丙金.基于集体记忆的震后北川老县城空间重构[J].人文地理,2018,33(06):53-61. (CSSCI)
37. 钱莉莉, 张捷, 郑春晖, 刘培学, 张家榕, & 张宏磊.地理学视角下的集体记忆研究综述. 人文地理, 2015, (6): 7-12.(CSSCI)
38. 张玉玲, 郭永锐, 郑春晖. 游客价值观对环保行为的影响——基于客源市场空间距离与区域经济水平的分组探讨. 旅游科学, 2017, 31(2): 1-14. (CSSCI)
39. 颜丙金, 张捷, 李莉, 彭红松, 郑春晖, & 钱莉莉.自然灾害型景观游客体验的感知差异分析. 资源科学, 2016, (8): 1465-1475. (CSSCI)
40. 张玉玲, 肖潇, 郑春晖, 郭永锐, 李文明.环境管制约束下南岭居民环保行为研究——基于社会交换理论分析.中南林业科技大学学报(社会科学版), 2018, 12(05): 24-30+60. (北核)
41. 郑春晖,邹统钎.基于SEM的文化遗产地游客满意度影响因子分析.齐鲁艺苑, 2013,(01):12-16.
42. 邹统钎,郑春晖.不同类别遗产地社区居民对旅游影响感知的差异研究.旅游论坛,2012,5(01):29-33. (AMI)