1. Kong, G., Ji, M., Guo, Y., 2021. Political promotion events and energy conservation decisions: Evidence from China. Energy Economics 95.
2. Kong, G., Zhang, H., Wang, D., Yang, Z., Liu, H., 2021. Political promotion and pay gap: Evidence from SOEs in China. Economic Analysis and Policy 69, 450-460.
3. Kong, G., Kong, T.D., Lu, R., 2020. Political promotion incentives and within-firm pay gap: Evidence from China. Journal of Accounting and Public Policy 39.
4. 孔高文,刘莎莎和孔东民.(2020).机器人与就业——基于行业与地区异质性的探索性分析. 中国工业经济(08),80-98.
5. Kong, G., Kong, D., Wang, M., 2020. Does Media Attention Affect Firms' Environmental Protection Efforts? Evidence From China. Singapore Economic Review 65, 577-600.
6. 孔高文,胡林峰,孔东民和王琴.(2019).基金持股的创新偏好与基金业绩研究. 管理科学学报(12),70-83.
7. 孔高文,刘莎莎和孔东民.(2017).我们为何离开故乡?家庭社会资本、性别、能力与毕业生就业选择. 经济学(季刊)(02),621-648.
8. Kong, G., Kong, D., 2017. Corporate governance, human capital, and productivity: evidence from Chinese non-listed firms. Applied Economics 49, 2655-2668.
9. 柳光强和孔高文.(2021).高管经管教育背景与企业内部薪酬差距. 会计研究(03),110-121.
10. Yang, W., Li, H., Kong, G., Kong, D., 2021. Access to finance and SMEs' trade credit: evidence from a regression discontinuity design. Accounting and Finance 61, 2997-3029.
11. Liu, S., Kong, G., Kong, D., 2020. Effects of the COVID-19 on Air Quality: Human Mobility, Spillover Effects, and City Connections. Environmental & Resource Economics 76, 635-653.
12. Gao, J., Kong, D., Kong, G., 2019. Who Secures Job Opportunities in the Chinese Government? Evidence Based on the First Jobs of Graduates from a Chinese College. Pacific Economic Review 24, 447-463.
13. 柳光强和孔高文.(2018).高管海外经历是否提升了薪酬差距. 管理世界(08),130-142.
14. Kong, D., Kong, G., Pang, L., Zhang, J., 2018. Who gets the wage premium from export: Top managers or employees? International Review of Economics & Finance 58, 356-370.
15. 孔东民,徐茗丽和孔高文.(2017).企业内部薪酬差距与创新. 经济研究(10),144-157.
16. 刘莎莎和孔高文.(2017).信息搜寻、个人投资者交易与股价联动异象——基于股票送转的研究. 金融研究(11),143-157.
17. Xu, M., Kong, G., Kong, D., 2017. Does wage justice hamper creativity? Pay gap and firm innovation in China. China Economic Review 44, 186-202.
18. 孔东民,徐茗丽和孔高文.(2017).大学生进入政府与事业单位的决定因素与工资溢价研究. 华中科技大学学报(社会科学版)(01),78-88.