为营造良好的学术氛围,工商管理学院近期推出主题为“凝聚优势、打造特色,推动工商管理学院学术水平快速稳步提升”的系列学术活动,活动内容包括“经济管理类学科青年博士学术论坛系列学术活动”、“2014年度国家自然基金项目申报系列学术活动”、“2014年度国家社科基金项目申报系列学术活动”、“顾问委员会会议”、“美国克利夫兰州立大学Monte Ahuja商学院邓平教授国际学术讲座及交流系列活动”等。
主讲:美国克利夫兰州立大学商学院 邓平教授
学术报告题目:Developing theories from research on Chinese foreign direct investment
Presentation Topic and Brief Description (演讲题目及其简述)
Ping Deng, Ph.D. (邓平博士)
Professor & Monte Ahuja Endowed Chair of Global Business
Cleveland State University, Ohio, USA
At Guangzhou University, Guangzhou, Guangdong, China
Developing Theories from Research on Chinese OFDI: Current Practices and Recommendations (通过研究中国对外投资发展理论:现实与建议)
This presentation is based on my most recent article, entitled "Chinese outward direct investment research: Theoretical integration and recommendation", which is published atManagement and Organization Review(MOR), 2013, 9(3) (#1 academic journal on Chinese Management; SSCI listed, 2012 Impact Factor (IF): 2.827; 31/172 (management).
Chinese internationalization and outward foreign direct investment (OFDI) in particular has become one of the most profound business phenomena that may shape the future of the global economy. By critically reviewing 138 articles published in major scholarly journals in the last twelve years (2001-2012) that focus on Chinese OFDI, I argue that research on the international expansion of Chinese firms offers a unique opportunity to extend and develop extant theorizing in four primary research streams: the latecomer perspective; Chinese state and government influences; the dynamics of firms and institutions; and the liability of foreignness. Building on the analytical results, I offer five recommendations as promising ways to open up theoretical inquiry: (1) cross-fertilization among the four research streams; (2) integration of resource- and institution-based theories with other theoretical lenses; (3) research on the process dimensions using a longitudinal approach; (4) adoption of multi-levels of analysis; and (5) consideration of the wider emerging market literature.
Time: 2:30-4:30PM, Tuesday (November 5, 2013)
Note: The total presentation time will be between 1.5 and 2 hours. For an effective result, the PPT slides are prepared in English, whereas the presentation will be delivered primarily in Chinese. In addition, the presentation will be followed by questions and answers (Q&A) and other interactive activities, which will also mainly in Chinese. Thank you so much for your invitation and hospitality!