【1】“全渠道零售背景下的供应链⽹络研究”,国家⾃然科学基⾦⾯上项⽬, 2018-2021年,已结题,参与.
【2】 “客户经理努⼒及⽀付模式对代理商和零售商竞争的影响研究”,⼴东省⾃然科学基⾦⾯上项⽬,2021-2023年,在研,参与.
【3】 “⽆限极(中国)全国物流⽹络优化与配送中⼼选址”,横向课题,2017-2019年,核⼼参与.
【4】 “期货市场⼤数据分析与量化交易策略开发”,横向课题,2017年,已结题,核⼼参与.
【5】 “⽆限极(中国)配送中⼼库存管理优化”,横向课题,2019年,已结题,核⼼参与.
【6】 “机场快线接驳⻋⽹络优化”,横向课题,2020年,已结题,主持.
【7】 “纸箱⼚ERP系统设计与开发”,横向课题,2020年,已结题,主持.
【9】 “跨境电商ERP系统设计与开发”,横向课题,2022年,在研,主持
【1】Duan H, Deng S, Song H, Xu J. The impacts of sales efforts and mode of payment on the competition between agent and retailer. Omega-International Journal of Management Science 2021, 103: 102416.
【2】Song H, Duan H, Deng S, Xu J. Brand extension and channel structure: An analysis of the effects of social influence. Omega-International Journal of Management Science. 2022, 110: 102626. (导师1作)
【1】MNF’s brand extension and import strategy: An analysis of the effects of tariff.
【2】Bonded area vs. non-bonded area: The impacts of tariff on the multimarket production location.
【3】The impacts of social influence and tariff on a multinational firm's brand extension strategy in China.
【4】An exact algorithm for a vehicle routing problem with private fleet and outsourcing platform carrie.
【1】A two sub-period ordering decision problem with inventory sharing and transshipment. INFORMS International Conference in Taipei, 2018.
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