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发布时间:2018-06-14 15:57:30浏览次数:

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     主讲人: 徐国宣

     现  任职: University of Wisconsin-Whitewater (美国威斯康星大学白水分校)

  : 国际期刊投稿心得

  :  2018619() 9:30~11:30

  : 文新楼415



1848年,威斯康星州创立伊始就立法决定在州首府麦迪逊(Madison)成立威斯康星大学。1971年威斯康星州立法成立“威斯康星大学系统”(University of Wisconsin System),它吸收了威斯康星大学(UW-Madison),及其他13所州立大学 (包括斯康星大学白水分校)。目前斯康星大学白水分校的学生人数约12,000人, 其中商学专业学生人数超过4,000 人,授予学士学位 (BBA),工商管理硕士学位 (MBA),及博士学位 (DBA)



徐教授2012年获得斯康星大学白水分校的学者卓越研究奖 (每年全校仅一人获此殊荣),同年升等成为正教授。 2012年徐教授并获选为大学市场营销教育者协会(Association of Collegiate Marketing Educators) 年度杰出营销学者称号。 徐教授进入Journal of Marketing Channels (营销渠道学术期刊) 编辑委员会委员已逾十年。值得一提的是,徐教授自2000年迄今发表学术论文58  (包括数篇发表于国际顶级学术期刊,  The Journal of Academy of Marketing Science, Journal of Business Research, Journal of International Marketing, Tourism ManagementJournal of Hospitality & Tourism Research




1. “Positive moods and word-of-mouth in the banking industry: A moderated mediation model of perceived value and relational benefits,” (forthcoming), Lien, Eric, Jyh-Jeng Wu, Maxwell K. Hsu, and Stephen Wang, International Journal of Bank Marketing (being accepted for publication in November 2017).

2. “Key account relationship management: The moderating effects of relationship duration and transaction volume,” (forthcoming), Jian He Yeh, Stephen W. Wang, Maxwell K. Hsu, and Scott Swanson, The Service Industries Journal (being accepted for publication in October 2017).

3. “Government digital information discovery and exploration: The case of unraveling tourism-led-growth paradox in China” (forthcoming), Hsu, Maxwell K., Junzhou Zhang, and Yamin Ahmad, Information Discovery and Delivery (being accepted for publication in May 2017).

4. “How does perceived corporate social responsibility contribute to green consumer behavior of Chinese tourists: A hotel Context” (2017), Su, LuJun, Scott Swanson, Maxwell K. Hsu, and Xiaohong Chen, International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management (being accepted for publication in March 2017).

5. “The effect of tourist relationship perception on destination loyalty at a world heritage site in China: The mediating role of overall destination satisfaction and trust” (2017), Su, LuJun, Maxwell K. Hsu, and Scott Swanson, Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research, 41(2), 180-210.