

职称:教授 Professor 学位:博士Ph.D

性别:男 Male 职务:广州大学期刊中心副主任 Deputy Director of the Journal Center at Guangzhou University

电话:020-39365194 邮箱:hpyuan@gzhu.edu.cn



Accepting applications for postdoctoral researchers, as well as master's and doctoral students in the following areas: "Sustainable development, resource and environmental policy, low-carbon and green development, engineering management, risk management, decision-making and operations management, management theories and methods driven by new technologies."

个人简历 Brief introduction


Holding a Ph.D. from the Hong Kong Polytechnic University, he serves as a Professor, Doctoral Supervisor, and the Deputy Director of the Journal Center at Guangzhou University. He has been repeatedly selected among the top 2% of global scientists for lifelong scientific impact (released by Stanford University) and recognized as a highly-cited scholar in China. He has been honored with titles including "Youth Pearl River Scholar" of Guangdong Province, Guangzhou's High-level Talent, Sichuan Province's High-level Overseas Talent, a reserve candidate for the leading academic and technical talents of Sichuan Province, and Guangzhou's Young Talent in Propaganda, Thought, and Culture.


Born in 1983, he graduated from Chongqing University (June 2005), Shenzhen University (June 2008), and the Hong Kong Polytechnic University (October 2011). After obtaining his doctorate, he joined the School of Economics and Management at Southwest Jiaotong University in early 2012 (first hired as an associate professor for evaluation). He worked there until November 2018, holding various positions such as Associate Professor, Professor, Master's/Doctoral Supervisor, Director of the Graduate Education Center, Director of the International Certification Center, and Assistant to the Dean. He assisted the dean in managing academic research enrollment, training, and management and advanced the college's AMBA and AACSB international certification efforts.


In November 2018, as part of the "Hundred Talents Program," he was appointed to the School of Management at Guangzhou University as an Outstanding Young Scholar (Type A). From December 2019 to January 2021, he served as the Vice Dean of the School of Management, and from February 2023, he took on the role of Deputy Director of the Journal Center at Guangzhou University.

主要研究兴趣包括:可持续发展、资源与环境政策、低碳与绿色发展、工程管理、风险管理、决策与运营管理、新技术驱动的管理理论与方法。作为项目负责人主持国家级和省部级科研项目10余项。至今已累计在European Journal of Operational Research、Journal of Business Research、Technovation、Computers & Industrial Engineering、Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews、Resources Conservation & Recycling、Energy & Buildings、Journal of Construction Engineering and Management、Journal of Management in Engineering、Project Management Journal、International Journal of Project Management、Energy Policy、Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing、Waste Management、Journal of Cleaner Production、Ecological Indicators、《系统工程理论与实践》、《中国管理科学》等国内外学术期刊发表论文100多篇。研究成果被同行广泛引用并两次获得四川省哲学社会科学优秀成果奖(二、三等奖各一次)。目前担任中华建设管理研究会副会长、中华建设管理研究会青年委员会主任委员、International Journal of Construction Management(ESCI收录)编辑等学术兼职。

His primary research interests include sustainable development, resource and environmental policy, low-carbon and green development, engineering management, risk management, decision-making and operations management, and management theories and methods driven by new technologies. As the project leader, he has overseen more than ten national and provincial/ministry-level research projects. To date, he has published over 100 academic papers in both domestic and international journals such as the European Journal of Operational Research, Journal of Business Research, Technovation, Computers & Industrial Engineering, Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews, Resources Conservation & Recycling, Energy & Buildings, Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, Journal of Management in Engineering, Project Management Journal, International Journal of Project Management, Energy Policy, Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing, Waste Management, Journal of Cleaner Production, Ecological Indicators, "Systems Engineering Theory and Practice", and "Chinese Management Science". His research has been widely cited by peers, and he has twice received the Sichuan Philosophy and Social Science Outstanding Achievement Award (second and third places). He currently holds academic positions such as Vice President of the China Construction Management Research Association, Chairman of the Youth Committee of the China Construction Management Research Association, and Editor of the International Journal of Construction Management (indexed in ESCI).

Google scholar link: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=aSdXSqsAAAAJ&hl=en

ResearchGate link: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Hongping-Yuan

教育背景 Education background

2001.9至2005.6:重庆大学 建设管理与房地产学院 工程管理专业 获工学学士学位

2005.9至2008.6:深圳大学 土木工程学院 管理科学与工程专业 获管理学硕士学位(保送)

2008.9至2011.8:香港理工大学 项目管理方向 获哲学博士学位

From September 2001 to June 2005: Chongqing University, School of Construction Management and Real Estate, majoring in Engineering Management - obtained a Bachelor of Engineering degree.

From September 2005 to June 2008: Shenzhen University, School of Civil Engineering, majoring in Management Science and Engineering - obtained a Master's degree in Management (recommended without examination).

From September 2008 to August 2011: The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, specializing in Project Management - obtained a Doctor of Philosophy degree.

社会职务 Social service

(1)International Journal of Construction Management(IJCM)杂志Editor;

(2)中华建设管理研究会(香港)(Chinese Research Institute of Construction Management,CRIOCM)常务理事、副会长、青委会主任;

(3)中国管理科学学会环境管理专业委员会 会员;

(4)四川循环经济中心 兼职研究员;

(5)中国建筑学会建筑经济分会第七届工程管理专业委员会 委员;


(1) Editor for the International Journal of Construction Management (IJCM).

(2) Executive Director, Vice President, and Head of the Youth Committee for the Chinese Research Institute of Construction Management (CRIOCM) in Hong Kong.

(3) Member of the Environmental Management Special Committee, Chinese Society of Management Science.

(4) Part-time researcher at the Sichuan Circular Economy Center.

(5) Committee member of the 7th Engineering Management Committee, Architectural Economics Branch, China Architectural Society.

(6) Anonymous reviewer for domestic and international academic journals and conferences.

论文著作 Publications


Representative English Journal Articles (Listing only 10, * indicates corresponding author):

[1] Zhang, W., He, L., Yuan, H.P.* (2021). Enterprises’ decisions on adopting low-carbon technology by considering the consumer perception disparity. Technovation, 102238.

[2] Liu J., Nie J.J., & Yuan, H.P.* (2020). Interactive decisions of the waste producer and the recycler in construction waste recycling. Journal of Cleaner Production, 256, 120403.

[3] Yuan H.P.* & Yang Y. (2020). BIM Adoption under Government Subsidy: Technology Diffusion Perspective. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 146 (1), 04019089.

[4] Jin, R.*, Yuan, H.P. & Chen, Q. (2019). Science mapping approach to assisting the review of construction and demolition waste management research published between 2009 and 2018. Resources Conservation & Recycling, 140, 175-188. (ESI高被引论文)

[5] Liu J., Nie J.J. & Yuan H.P.* (2019). To expand or not to expand: A strategic analysis of the recycler's waste treatment capacity. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 130, 731-744.

[6] Yuan, H.P.*, Wu, H.Y. & Zuo, J. (2018). Understanding factors influencing project managers' behavioral intentions to reduce waste in construction projects. Journal of Management in Engineering, DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)ME.1943-5479.0000642.

[7] Yuna H.P.* (2017). Achieving sustainability in railway projects: major stakeholder concerns. Project Management Journal, 48 (5), 115-132.

[8] Xue, J.J., Yuan, H.P.* & Shi, B.S. (2017). Impact of contextual variables on effectiveness of partnership governance mechanisms in megaprojects: case of Guanxi. Journal of Management in Engineering, 10.1061/(ASCE)ME.1943-5479.0000476.

[9] Xue, J.J., Yuan, H.P.* & Shi, B.S. (2016). Investigating partners' opportunistic behavior in joint ventures: The role of transaction costs and relational exchanges. Journal of Business Research, 69(12), 6067-6078.

[10] Yuan, H.P. & Wang, J.Y.* (2014). A system dynamics model for determining the waste disposal charging fee in construction. European Journal of Operational Research, 237(3), 988-996.


Representative Chinese Journal Articles:

[1] 刘静, 聂佳佳, 袁红平*. (2021). 盗版率引导下的正版厂商信息产品保护策略研究. 管理工程学报, 已录用.(CSSCI、FMS T1级)

[2] 何玲玲, 聂佳佳, 袁红平*. (2021). 消费者感知差异下建材企业环保原料采购模式研究. 管理工程学报, 已录用.(CSSCI、FMS T1级)

[3] 刘静, 聂佳佳, 袁红平*. (2020). 考虑消费者公平偏好的竞争供应链歧视定价研究. 中国管理科学, DOI:10.16381/j.cnki.issn1003-207x.2019.0923.(CSSCI、FMS T1级)

[4] 张文杰, 袁红平*. (2019). 基于多目标加权灰靶决策模型的节能服务公司选择研究. 中国管理科学, 27(2), 179-186.(CSSCI、FMS T1级)

[5] 袁红平, 王家远*. (2013). 建筑废弃物管理的经济有效性动态评估模型. 系统工程理论与实践, 33(9), 2415-2421.(CSSCI、FMS T1级)

横向与纵向科研 Research projects












Projects Led by the Principal Investigator:

[1] "Innovative governance model and its application for illegal dumping of construction waste under the context of blockchain technology", National Social Science Foundation General Project, Sep 2020 - Sep 2023, Principal Investigator.

[2] "Collaborative mechanism and evolution patterns of construction waste minimization system from a self-organization perspective", National Natural Science Foundation (General Project), Jan 2016 - Dec 2019, Project No.: 71573216, Principal Investigator.

[3] "Dynamic model research on landfilling charges for construction waste from a systems perspective", National Natural Science Foundation (Youth Project), Jan 2013 - Dec 2015, Project No.: 71203184, Principal Investigator.

[4] "Interaction mechanism study of low-carbon development, social responsibility, and sustainability from a systems perspective", Key Project of Sichuan Province Social Science Key Research Base - Systems Science and Enterprise Development Research Center, Sep 2017 - Aug 2018, Project No.: Xq17B04, Principal Investigator.

[5] "Risk-sharing research on the development of construction waste comprehensive utilization industry based on PPP model", Sichuan Provincial Science and Technology Plan Soft Science Project, Jan 2017 - Dec 2018, Project No.: 2017ZR0150, Principal Investigator.

[6] "Research on construction waste minimization management behavior: taking project managers as an example", Key Project of Sichuan Circular Economy Research Center (Provincial Key Research Base), Jul 2015 - Jun 2017, Project No.: XHJJ-1503, Principal Investigator.

[7] "Behavioral model research on comprehensive management of construction waste industry: a case study of Sichuan", Sichuan Provincial Science and Technology Plan Soft Science Project, Jan 2014 - Dec 2015, Project No.: 2014ZR0082, Principal Investigator.

[8] "Research on management model and measures for construction waste minimization from a dynamic perspective", SWJTU Humanities "Central University Basic Research Business Fee" Innovation Project, Jan 2016 - Dec 2017, Project No.: 26816WCX01, Principal Investigator.

[9] "Research on influencing factors and formation mechanism of construction waste landfill charges", Central University Basic Research Business Fee Technological Innovation Project (Continuous Rolling Funding for Innovation Projects), Jan 2014 - Dec 2015, Project No.: SWJTU12CX115, Principal Investigator.

[10] "Research on influencing factors and formation mechanism of construction waste landfill charges", Central University Basic Research Business Fee Technological Innovation Project, Jan 2012 - Dec 2013, Project No.: SWJTU12CX115, Principal Investigator.


1.“Boosting construction waste material sharing in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Bay Area”,Hong Kong Strategic Public Policy Research, 内地负责人之一,总课题负责人为香港大学Wilson Lu副教授;





获奖情况 Research awards





[1] Highly-cited Scholar in China.

[2] World's Top 2% Scientists (by Stanford University).

[3] Dynamic Model Study on Construction Waste Landfill Charging from a Systems Perspective (Research Report). Awarded the Second Prize for Outstanding Achievements in Social Sciences in Sichuan Province, 18th Edition, Ranked 1/1.

[4] Study on the Dynamic Assessment Method of Construction Waste Management Effectiveness (Series of Papers). Awarded the Third Prize for Outstanding Achievements in Social Sciences in Sichuan Province, 16th Edition, Ranked 1/2.

教学情况 Teaching


Undergraduate Courses:"Project Investment and Financing"; "Engineering Project Supervision"; "Engineering Contract Legal System"; "Engineering Project Procurement"; "Introduction to Engineering Management"; "Practical Understanding of Engineering Management Major"; "Project Management"

承担研究生课程:《目管理学》、《Project Management》(全英文课程)、《质量与风险管理》、《专业外语》、《采购与合同管理》、《项目管理研究前沿》

Graduate Courses:"Project Management Theory"; "Project Management" (in English); "Quality and Risk Management"; "Professional Foreign Language"; "Procurement and Contract Management"; "Frontiers of Project Management Research"


Talent Cultivation:Mentored over 60 postdoctoral researchers, Ph.D. candidates, and master's students; guided over 50 undergraduate students. One student received the award for Excellent Undergraduate Thesis at Southwest Jiaotong University, and two students received the award for Excellent Graduate Thesis at Southwest Jiaotong University.

地址:广州大学城外环西路230号行政东楼后座630     综合办:020-39366799

学工办:020-39366267   教务办:020-39366419   学科与研究生办:020-39366453


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